5 Tips for a Focused Ticketing Page to Save You Time and Energy

April 3, 2018

When building an event page have a clear vision. Without it you open yourself up for fires and issues that could be avoided.Vision allows you to focus on executing a plan rather than losing time and potentially even money in response to inefficiency or disorganization. Vision is necessary in everything from event pricing to event day processes. You’ll need to know what you want and need in order to create a ticket page that will reflect all the needs of your event.Whether you’re prepping to host your first event or you’re about to host a new type of event for your organization, the following questions will help save you time and set you up for a successful event page. I like to call these the 5 W’s to creating a successful ticketing page.

1. Who?

Consider your demographic. If you have already done so, use this demographic to structure and refine your event form. For example if your event is for youth only, then there are a a few things that come with hosting the event such as guardian consents and emergency contact information. Consider if your prospective attendees need special accommodations for allergies or ADA considerations?Additionally think of your dream attendee and plan your marketing around who your attendees are such as: millennials, professionals, families, or large groups.With your ‘who’ in mind, you can collect the appropriate data on your page and creatively design it with the attendee in mind.

2. What?

A clear objective will help you decide the logistics for setting up your ticket page. For instance, a cafe show would require less detail than a large venue concert. Knowing your ‘what’ in conjunction with your ‘who’ helps in planning of what types of ticket you will sell.

  • Simple Cafe Show: One general admission ticket with no bells and whistles.
  • Large Venue Concert: VIP ticket level, general admission ticket level, group tickets along with merchandise for sale.

As you see in these examples a simple cafe show will require a very simple page and there might not be much content on your page. On the contrary, a larger concert might require multiple ticket levels, merchandise, and maybe more information included on your page or confirmation emails.

3. Where?

Your venue and space will help dictate a lot of your planning. Knowing if you have an event capacity or limited supply for a ticket level will help you not oversell tickets. Are you selling general seating or do you have a traditional seating venue that you can sell reserved seats for? The structure of your venue will help you make strategic decisions on how to set up and sell your tickets.Click here to know more about our reserved seating functionality. It’s currently in BETA but it could be the right fit for you!

4. When?

Start with a timeline. If you are able to plan with enough time leading up to your event date you can plan price increases to drive sales. Price increases create a buy in and buzz around your event to snag those early bird priced tickets. You can plan strategic timing of when to open your page and when to close your event page to the public.

5. Why?

The ‘why’ is the anchor of your event. Knowing your objectives will help keep your event planning and page creating process focused. It is tempting to see a new software platform and its different features and want to take advantage of them all but knowing your objectives will help you be clear and not over complicate your process. Less is more when it comes to form design. Your attendees can get bogged down if your objectives and event page have extra or unnecessary information. Ultimately, your attendees come to your event page to get general information and purchase tickets.With these 5 tips you’ll be ready to create an event page that will do most of your event planning job for you! Okay maybe not quite but it will save you time, heartache and possibly even money!
