Make Money by Saving Time with Registrant Account Center

December 12, 2018

If you don’t have time to make endless edits or updates to an order, then the Registrant Account Center is for you! Enabling this feature, in RegFox or RedPodium, offers the opportunity for attendees to make changes to their order, such as processing new charges or refunds. Our ultimate goal for this feature is to save you time and energy but most importantly offer an opportunity to make more money!In order to see how valuable this feature really is, the Webconnex Data Scientist crunched the numbers. This study takes into consideration all of our active clients who used registrant permissions over a 4-month time span. With this data, we were able to track users who logged into registrant permissions to process a “new charge” a “refund” or “made no financial change” to their order.In our study, we found 40% of users logged into registrant permissions to process an additional charge! This is fantastic news, meaning users are not only willing to make the changes themselves but they are willing to spend more money after their initial transaction.On the contrary, only 2% of users logged in to registrant permissions to process refunds. The other 58% of users logged into view their order or update information, but did not process a refund or charge. Meaning your fear of losing money to changes that result in a refund can be put to rest!

The proof is in the pie graph. If you want an opportunity to generate greater revenue and free up more time to focus on your event, the Registrant Account Center can be part of the answer. We hope this feature will greatly benefit you and offer a better user experience for your upcoming event! Happy processing!

